2014 CPS Election Results

From: Eric Fong


Below are the results of the 2014 CPS election. On behalf of CPS, I would like to thank all the candidates who agreed to participate in this election.  I would also like to thank the nominating committee members, Grant Schellenberg and Gillian Stevens, to help out throughout the process.  I think that we had excellent candidates participating in this election.

The results of the election are as follows:

Alain Belanger (INRS)

Vice President:
Michael Haan (University of New Brunswick)

Don Kerr (Kings University College, Western)

Amir Erfani (Nipissing)
Rachel Margolis (Western)
Zoua Vang (McGill)

Student Representative:
Scott Mandich (Western)

There was a tie for the student representative position.  After carefully considering whether or not to conduct a second round of election with only two students on the ballot, the committee decided to break the tie with the President tossing a coin.  The process was observed by two independent witnesses.

The new council members will take office at our forthcoming 2014 annual meetings after CPS members approve the election results at our Annual General Meeting.

Eric Fong
President, Canadian Population Society
Department of Sociology
University of Toronto
725 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2J4
Tel: 416-978-8488 Fax: 416-978-3963