Canada's Statistical Agency:

Canadian Demography Organizations

  • Association des démographes du Québec  Founded in 1971, this association is situated in Quebec, and involves 160 members from Quebec, Canada and abroad. The association has an annual scientific meeting, as part of the larger Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) 
  • Federation of Canadian Demographers The Federation of Canadian Demographers is an organization created through the joint initiative of the Association des démographes du Québec (ADQ) and the Canadian Population Society (CPS). The objectives of the Federation are to promote research and the scientific study of demography throughout Canada, to foster cooperation and international exchanges on questions of population and development, and to enrich the knowledge of Canadians on population questions.

Demography in Universities

Other Canadian Organizations


Long Form Census Controversy

Data online

Demographic Resource Sites

Demography in Governments