The CPS will be holding its annual meeting next Spring (May) 2024 at McGill University in Montreal. This conference, is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to present their research, and to receive constructive feedback from more senior researchers.

The CPS shows its commitment to students by having a student representative on the CPS Council. The current  student representative is Anthony Jehn (Western). Feel free to contact him if you have questions or concerns with regard to the involvement of students in the Canadian Population Society.

The CPS also has its Annual Student Paper competition for Graduate students. For the full rules and eligibility criteria, please visit the CPS Student Paper Competition page here:

Michaela Bunakova

Micheala Bunakova

Student representative (McGill University)


Yue Teng

Student representative, (Western University)




There are several advantages to joining the CPS, including the opportunity to attend our annual academic conference and networking with established professionals in the field of demography. The association involves academics, graduate students, government scientists and administrators, among other persons interested in demography and its many applications.  A sizeable proportion of our current membership are employed in the federal government, including Statistics Canada, as well as dozens of university/research institutions/government agencies across Canada. 

Graduate students in sociology/economics/geography/planning and policy, among other related fields are encouraged to participate.  We have both annual meetings, as well as Graduate Research Development Conference. 

The CPS also offers an annual Award for the best paper presentation to the Conference.  We also have our Job Postings Board.